Jamaican Criminologist - Criminological Programs for Praedial Larceny Prevention, Farm Theft rehabilitation and Alternative Punishment in Jamaica Criminal Justice System.©
Criminological Programs for Praedial Larceny Prevention, Farm Theft rehabilitation and Alternative Punishment in Jamaica Criminal Justice System.© #CaSSSociety @#BlackSocalScientist,
R.A.Blake, M.A.C.J [MissMona]-Criminologist, Social Scientist, Author, Researcher. CEO of @CaSSSociety network. A Farmer. Committee member of #UAFAJ, Business Consultant, Contractor, Probation and Parole, etc., amongst many other titles.
An overview designed for UAFAJ ‘s first webinar on #PraedialLarceny [P.L]. I took part in their first series of panel discussions. What is written below was not all mentioned throughout the presentation and neither are all the recommendations, objectives and initiatives from myself and #CaSSSociety.
The webinar took place on 27/04/22, titled The Negative Effect of #FarmTheft on the #JamaicanAgriculturalSector. Few points listed here were mentioned, as I only had 5 minute, so one attempted to mention a few of these points during the time allocated.
Assessing and Analysing the causes of P.L can assist in the identifying and handling of the problems, like all crimes or criminal mind, the case and effect needs to be understood. When punishment or rehabilitation is being mentioned, Restitutions are mentioned, especially in a civil case and at times criminal cases, in that of P.L and Farm Theft.
A Judge may find an individual guilty of P.L, Sentenced to time or probation and monies plus court fees has to be paid. One must note, not only can monetary values be assigned by the courts. It can be restitutions in the sense of rehabilitation or/and deterrence or a combination of all 3, work to pay off the farmers fee, fines, etc.
Many farmers, agriculturist, naturist, etc. would states the police and the #JamaicanCriminalJusticeSystem is not taking this crime serious or giving it due diligence, although it may not be as ‘important’ as theft and murder, some would argue. One is creating this program and policy to not only aid Social Scientist, Farmers, #Agriculturist, Agriculturist Society, etc. This will be implemented and applied; it will assist the Police, Courts and the Criminal Justice system on a whole.
Praedial Larceny not only affects the farmers & their families, it IMPACTS the community at large and wider island wide. For example Mr. Oral supplies produce and livestock, the higglers, vendors who travel across the island to sell and other farmers who buy from Mr. Oral, won’t be able to do so now.
Mr Oral’s goat was not ready and someone stole & sold meat for the animal, this can cause health issues to the public who consume said meat. I mentioned this to demonstrate P.L effects everyone, one way or the other.
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